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The Resilience of America and American Business: One Year Later

Obex Co

About this time a year ago, the leading edge of the COVID-19 crisis was resulting in fundamental changes to many aspects of our personal and professional lives. It still is, and the profoundness of these changes has been unprecedented. The near-universal call to action that resulted in subsequent impacts to common business practices were game-changing. 2020 will long be regarded as a year of crisis for America, and the world.

OBEX relishes the competitive nature of our industry and market. OBEX is privileged to have great business partners and customers – that fact was evident, more than ever, throughout 2020. The prolonged level of uncertainty that loomed large throughout the year has now given way to a new hopefulness reflected in the resumption of activities we long took for granted. As OBEX prepares for the height of summer and fall construction activity, it seems appropriate to acknowledge the grit and determination we’ve noted in our customers, partners, and competitors that has resulted in their economic survival, and what we hope will be a bright, and healthy future.

OBEX always strives to operate in a manner of uncompromising integrity in support of making our partners informed-decision makers. OBEX believes a company’s operating behaviors reflect the character of its team members and our ambition is to tell people what we think they need to hear, even if that’s not always what they want to hear. Reflecting on the last year has done many things for our company, but none more important than creating a renewed commitment to make sure Good Price, Better Service represents how we compete each, and every, day. If we can help support your project success, we’d be privileged to do so, now, or any time into the future.

Thank you!


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