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Product Feature: OTA

Updated: Aug 26, 2019

Any time you overuse a strength, it becomes a weakness – water and concrete are a perfect example. Water of necessity is a fundamental component of concrete. Water of convenience, usually incorporated or applied in excess of the concrete design mix, is added to make stiff concrete more workable and/or to help manage challenges associated with finishing concrete in hostile weather conditions – hot, dry and windy. Too much additional water weakens concrete and substantially undermines its strength, durability and associated longevity. For these reasons, OBEX was determined to develop a reliable alternative to plain water and incorrectly utilized evaporation retarders and we succeeded. It is called OTA – OBEX Troweling Aid.  OTA presents responsible concrete contractors with the opportunity to utilize a highly-effective tool to render outstanding strength and durability results for pennies per square foot. In addition to accelerated job completion, which saves labor costs, contractors who use OBEX OTA will know they are employing a tool that will solve most, if not all, of the challenges of producing a flawless, high-performance concrete slab surface. To learn more about this innovative and cost-effective product which speeds the finishing process and increases concrete performance characteristics, visit our website at or click here to read a recent Technical Bulletin that highlights the value proposition that is OTA.


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