OBEX frequently fields jobsite questions regarding the most effective treatment for saw cuts, joints, and cracks found on both newly poured and existing concrete slabs. The concern expressed is appropriate and if saw cut, joint and crack conditions are not properly addressed in accordance with industry standards, they could contribute to damage to the finished resilient flooring system. Resilient flooring system damage can usually be avoided when flooring subcontractors adhere to moisture control system manufacturer’s installation requirements, the resilient flooring system manufacturer’s recommendations and all industry standards for flooring installation preparation. OBEX’s best practice recommendation is to fill properly prepared joints and cracks with a polyurea filler, and offers Perfect Patch® for this express purpose. Perfect Patch® is conveniently offered in both 22oz cartridges (Parts A and B) as well as in bulk packaging (5 GL Parts A and B).
On a newly poured concrete slab that has been treated with the Creteseal CS2000 moisture control system, any structural cracking or saw cut edge damage to joints should be remediated with Perfect Patch® polyurea joint filler. For an existing concrete slab that will receive the Creteseal MAX moisture control system, it is important that all saw cuts, joints, and cracks be addressed by following the process steps outlined here prior to filling those areas with Perfect Patch®. Competitive moisture control systems may accept the application of cementitious patch to saw cuts, control joints and cracks – OBEX observes this as a risky, far inferior approach to preventing water and/or alkalinity intrusion and a potential invitation for significantly increased risk of resilient flooring failure.
OBEX loves sharing our experiences in developing the best, and most reliable concrete moisture control systems on the market. Contractors and Installers are always encouraged to contact OBEX’s Technical Services Team at 844-265-3535 and we’ll gladly answer any and all of your questions. This is just another way that we demonstrate the OBEX Good Price, Better Service model every day, and on every project.