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AIA Lunch & Learn

Updated: Apr 15, 2019

Obex is scheduling 2019 Lunch & Learn presentations. throughout the USA!


OBEX believes making quality decisions begins with knowledge and perspective. The OBEX Good Price; Better Service model reflects determination that clients should thoroughly understand all of the relevant options and compromises when it comes to Moisture Control. To achieve that goal, OBEX schedules AIA-credentialed presentations for Owners/Developers/Landlords, Architects/Designers and General Contractors/Subs/Installers throughout the United States. The OBEX presentation is heavily-biased to positioning everyone in the value chain as informed decision-makers with respect to the risks and truths of protecting expensive resilient flooring with highly-effective Moisture Control Systems. The OBEX presentation is specifically designed to teach participants the brand-neutral schedule, installation and testing realities of placing concrete and moisture-sensitive flooring in today’s fast-track construction environment.

OBEX is motivated to provide subject matter expertise intended to support optimal risk management and decision-making for client projects. OBEX prides itself on the ability to coach business partners through the basic comprehension of Moisture Control while thoroughly describing risks, options, costs and compromises. Attendees will leave the presentation with the knowledge required to effectively balance schedule, cost, and failure risk. Contact OBEX today to schedule a presentation – we’ll buy lunch!


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