CreteSeal® MAX Advantage
Single Coat, Fast Cure Time.
Easy to Apply.
Shotblast or Grind to Prepare Substrate for Application.
ASTM F3010 Certified Vapor Barrier.
Can be applied Over Fresh/10 Day Old Concrete.
Value Engineered System: Simply Skim Cementitious topping at a Featheredge over a primed Flat/Level Slab.
Odor Free, Zero VOC.
Application Process
Creteseal® MAX is applied in a single coating at 16 mils, to completely encapsulate and control moisture vapor in the concrete substrate. Coverage rates may vary depending on the porosity and condition of the concrete; however, typical coverage rates will be approximately 100 SF/GL. Consult the flooring manufacturer's requirements and project specifications prior to placing the resilient flooring system. Typically a concrete cementitious skim topping or self-leveling topping, over a primed Creteseal® MAX surface, is required prior to placement of the specified flooring system.
Protecting and Compatible with All Flooring Types:
Ceramic Tile
Sheet Flooring
Sports and Rubber Flooring
Epoxy and Polymer Surface Coatings
Cementitious Toppings
Most Flooring Mortar and Mastics